Our Responsibility to Democracy — Statement From UK President

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Jan. 7, 2021) — University of Kentucky President Eli Capilouto released a statement to the UK community today in the aftermath of the protesters storming the U.S. Capitol last night followed by the confirmation by Congress of Joe Biden as the next U.S. president.  The statement is below.

"Yesterday was as unsettling a day for our country as most of us can ever remember. We were reminded anew that violence is never an answer to disagreement. But as a long night began to yield to a new day, we were reminded, too, that fundamental values endure: a belief in free and fair elections, a commitment to the peaceful transfer of power, the foundational idea that the responsibilities of democratic citizenship in our society must prevail. In the successful completion of the Presidential election, we witnessed again the genius of our system of self-governance – our capacity for reflection and our commitment to continual renewal as the part of the project of building a more perfect union."

– Eli Capilouto, President