CDF Travels the World

LEXINGTON, Ky. (March 7, 2011) — The University of Kentucky's Cultural Diversity Festival (CDF) has a wide range of events planned for this coming week.
CDF strives to promote cultural awareness to the UK campus and Lexington community. The festival is devoted to highlighting the wealth of diversity represented at UK and strives to engage all, by encouraging new experiences and promoting unity.
Events associated with CDF from March 7-13 include:
March 7, 4-5 p.m., College of Law Courtroom: Sharia and the Constitutionality of Laws that Exclude Sharia from Courts of Law. This program will discuss Sharia, also known as Islamic Law that governs all aspects of a Muslim's life, and the laws prohibiting courts from considering Sharia. Dr. Ihsan Bagby of the Islamic Studies department will discuss Sharia and the role it plays in the lives of Muslims. Sponsored by UK College of Law and the Islamic Studies Program in the College of Arts and Sciences. Admission is free.
March 8, 6-7 p.m., 308 Commons: French Caribbean Dance Workshop. In celebration of Mardi Gras, learn how to dance French Caribbean style. You will discover Martinican traditional dance and music, which were invented on slave plantations. You will get to learn a dance routine and perform it. Sponsored by the Division of French and Italian Studies of the Department of Modern and Classical Languages, Literatures and Cultures and the Department of Gender and Women’s Studies. Admission is free.
March 9, 5-7 p.m., 231 Student Center: Education Abroad Exchanges Open House. This event will allow you to meet with representatives from UK's many reciprocal exchange partners to explore the possibilities for spending a semester or even an academic year engaging with a new culture. Sponsored by the Education Abroad at UK Program in the Office of International Affairs.
March 9, 5-8 p.m., 155 Chemistry/Physics Building: Russian and Eastern Studies Film Series: Aftershock. Come watch the film "Aftershock" followed by a moderated discussion after the film. Sponsored by Russian Studies in the Department of Modern and Classical Languages, Literatures and Cultures.
March 9-10, all day, Student Center: Symposium on Affrilachia. The symposium is being held to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Frank X Walker's coining of the term "Affrilachia," and will feature a theater performance by Kathy Y. Wilson, "Your Negro Tour Guide," and a musical performance by the Carolina Chocolate Drops (performance in Cats Den). Various panels and discussions will include topics on August Wilson, Nina Simone, Affrilachian identity, environmental racism, visual art and urban Appalachia. In honor of their 20th anniversary, the Affrilachian poets will offer an evening reading. Sponsored by Africana Studies, Appalachian Studies, Gender and Women’s Studies, Cats Den and PLUCK! literary journal. Admission is $35 and includes all symposium events.
March 10, 5 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., Kentucky Theatre: One World Film Festival: “Hannah Free." Admission is free.
March 13, 2 p.m., Lexington Public Library in the Central Library Theater: One World Film Festival: “Like Stars on Earth." Sponsored by the One World Film Festival. Admission is free.
For more information of these events, please go to