Special Events for Sophomores Across Ky.

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Feb. 18, 2011) — It's never too early to prepare for the college search process.
That is the reason that the University of Kentucky, along with the other seven public institutions across the state, are hosting "Get Set Sunday" events for high school sophomores.
"The purpose of the program is to reach out to prospective students and families earlier in the process to inform all about expectations, the enrollment process, financial aid, and scholarships," said Don Witt, vice provost for enrollment management.
The University of Kentucky's "Get Set Sunday" event takes place Sunday, February 20 from 2:00 until 4:00 p.m. at the Whitehall Classroom Building.
Specifically, students will learn about how to finance college costs, discover how to become a strong scholarship applicant, utilize the ACT PLAN results for achieving success their junior and senior years of high school, and receive first-hand advice about the college search process from higher education professionals.
Other universities participating include Eastern Kentucky University, Kentucky State University, Morehead State University, Murray State University, Northern Kentucky University, the University of Louisville, and Western Kentucky University.
"This is a great example of what can happen with collaboration among the institutions," said Witt. "We appreciate the support of faculty and staff from across our campus as we continue to enhance recruitment efforts to reach our goals."
To view details about the workshops at all eight Kentucky public universities, visit http://admissions.nku.edu/visit/getsetsunday/index.php.
For directions to UK's workshop, visit http://www.uky.edu/VisitorCenter/direction.htm.
MEDIA CONTACT: Amy Jones, (859) 257-1754, ext. 257; amy.jones2@uky.edu