Take time for UK Faculty and Staff Global Engagement and Expertise Survey
LEXINGTON, Ky. (Sept. 27, 2023) — The office of International Partnerships and Research in the University of Kentucky International Center, is the lead unit on the UK Global Footprint initiative, which seeks to map out the wide range of global engagement activities undertaken by UK faculty, staff and students and celebrate their lasting impact in the world.
One key part of this data visualization effort is our ongoing UK Faculty and Staff Global Engagement and Expertise Survey. The survey is voluntary, but strongly encouraged. It should take most respondents between 5 and 15 minutes to complete. Toward the end of the survey, respondents are able to voluntarily make their names visible to others who have indicated similar experience, expertise or interest in particular countries/regions, or transnational research/education topics, with the goal of forming cross-disciplinary, regional or topical affinity groups.
The results of the survey populate the Faculty and Staff Research and Expertise data visualization on the UK Global Footprint website. This is a distinct, but complementary effort to the Scholars@UK data tool, which is largely self-populated through data-scraping of publications and grants.
To date, we have received just over 300 survey responses, and faculty response rates are under 10%. Some colleges and departments are not represented at all, as yet. Please help us solicit participation in this survey.
The survey will remain open. Those who have already responded need not do so again. Questions about the survey can be directed to Tim Barnes, executive director of International partnerships and research (tim.barnes@uky.edu).