Campus Climate Survey Deadline Extended

LEXINGTON, Ky. (April 13, 2016)  All University of Kentucky faculty, staff and students have a few more days to offer their opinions on the current climate of diversity and inclusion on campus.

As President Eli Capilouto announced last month, UK is working toward an ambitious set of priorities to create a sense of belonging for everyone. As part of that goal, a survey is under way to gather feedback to better understand views on the current state of diversity and inclusion at the university.

The results from the survey — together with interviews and focus groups conducted earlier this year  will help develop a complete picture of campus and provide a baseline to measure future progress. The data will also help develop a robust initiative that will touch all faculty, staff and students.

“The community we want is not created in a single moment in time, nor is it captured at the end of a calculation or spreadsheet,” Capilouto said in announcing the survey last month. “It is about creating a culture in which students, faculty and staff all feel safe and welcome on our campus.”

Anyone who has not yet taken the survey should receive an email reminder from UK Administration on Thursday. The survey will officially close Friday.

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