Give the Gift of Art From Open Studio This Holiday Season

photo of ceramics sale - Open Studio 2015
Open Studio is an opportunity for the community to visit the artist studios of UK's most talented students and faculty at UK School of Art and Visual Studies, as well as chance to purchase unique gifts during the holiday season in a festive atmosphere.


LEXINGTON, Ky. (Nov. 30, 2016) University of Kentucky School of Art and Visual Studies will kick off the holiday season on campus this weekend as it throws open its doors for the university's most popular visual arts event, Open Studio. Known for showcasing the talents of the university's undergraduate and graduate students and celebrated art faculty in a festive atmosphere, Open Studio is a one-of-kind event catered to the art lover. Open Studio will run from 6-9 p.m. Friday, Dec. 2, in the new Art and Visual Studies Building on campus, located at 236 Bolivar St. The event is free and open to the public.

As part of Open Studio, the studios of graduates and select undergraduates will be open with the young artists present to talk about their ongoing projects. A variety of artwork will be on display including metalwork, fiber, paintings, photographs, drawings, ceramics, plaster casts, printmaking and woodwork.

In addition to seeing the working arts facility, visitors may even purchase artwork by students and acclaimed UK faculty for that special someone this gift-giving season.

Open Studio also includes the Carey Ellis Juried Student Show, featuring the best of UK students' work over the last year. An awards program for this show will be held in Bolivar Gallery during the night's events. To round out the festivities there also will be:

  • arts and crafts for children provided by the students of the Art Education Program,
  • live entertainment, and
  • food and drinks.

While Open Studio is a free public event, a $5 donation is suggested to help support programming in the school.

The UK School of Art and Visual Studies in the UK College of Fine Arts is an accredited member of the National Association of Art and Design and offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in the fields of art studio, art history and visual studies and art education.