Call for Proposals! Lead UK Conference is Looking for Workshop Proposals


LEXINGTON, Ky. (Sept. 15, 2015) — The fourth annual student leadership conference called Lead UK, presented by the Leadership Exchange in the University of Kentucky Office of Student Involvement, needs volunteers to lead worshops and present topic proposals. Any student, faculty or staff member who has a passion for helping students further their leadership skills is urged to take this opportunity to submit a proposal for a workshop session at the Lead UK Conference. 

This conference is focused on students who want to further their leadership skills, and workshops are expected to enhance this mission.  Some topic ideas are, but not limited to:

·      Building partnerships/collaboration

·      Leadership styles

·      Visioning and goal-setting

·      Diversity and inclusion

·      Organizational leadership (i.e. leading teams, managing a budget, event-planning, running effective meetings, etc.)


Workshop opportunities are available to students, faculty and staff. The conference will be held Saturday, Oct. 24. Workshops can be presented in one of two different time slots of either 11 a.m. to noon or 1 to 2 p.m. Applications are due Sept. 25. Applicants will be notified by Oct. 2 if their proposal is accepted. This conference is free for all students, faculty, and staff.

The workshop proposal form is online and can be accessed by clicking here.


If you have any questions, please contact Leslie Pedigo at or 859-257-3005.

MEDIA CONTACT: Katy Bennett, (859) 257-1909;; Rebecca Stratton, (859) 323-2395;