Behind the Scenes of Becoming a Wildcat

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Aug. 28, 2015) "see blue." Preview Nights leave paw prints on cities throughout the Bluegrass State — and the country for that matter. During these evenings of recruitment, the University of Kentucky travels as far as Atlanta, Chicago, Cleveland and other major cities spreading Wildcat pride — and has done so for more than 10 years.  Behind the scenes, UK staff, faculty and students work diligently to provide an unforgettable initial "see blue." experience for high school students getting ready to make that huge college choice.

Preview Nights are evenings where prospective students and their families have the opportunity to talk with faculty, staff and current students about academic programs, campus departments, residence halls, student life and involvement.

"'see blue.' Preview Nights represent the best of the University of Kentucky showcasing the incredible academic and student success opportunities for all prospective students," said Don Witt, associate provost for enrollment management. "The program is really a unique way for students and families to learn what UK offers with the many academic majors, minors along with financial aid/scholarships, housing, student account services, and student affairs just to mention a few."

Hosting a Preview Night is no small task. For this opportunity that allows students direct access to representatives across all departments of the university, collaborative and precise planning must go into every Preview Night to make it spectacular and worthwhile for future Wildcats.

"Preview Nights are so special because you can feel the students' excitement as they explore options for the next phase of their lives," Senior Associate Director of Recruitment Jonathan Blazejewski said. "We try to give prospective students academic expectations through a fun event — for instance while teaching them the Cats cheer. It's the excitement of those students going through the college process and finding the right fit and realizing the possibilities they have with those decisions — that's what motivates us to provide as wonderful experience as we can for them."

Many different units of campus cooperate to create "see blue." Preview Nights.  A typical Preview Night features more than 30 different tables, displaying 13 colleges within the university and their programs as well as different departments, such as financial aid and housing.

Universities don't typically showcase such specific units on campus in their college preview events, therefore UK's collaborative effort makes a "see blue." Preview Night one-of-a-kind. This allows each prospective student to gain a deeper understanding of the countless opportunities at UK. 

Each college and program provides at least one representative, sometimes more. This allows Preview Night attendees the opportunity to have a face-to-face conversation with an ambassador directly in that field. Every college and department plays a vital role in the functionality of the event. 

The preparation for Preview Nights starts early with logistical coordination — the reservation of the venue months in advance, invitations, post cards and letters that are mailed to prospective students in early August, and all those charter busses, moving trucks and hotel rooms that are booked.

Then, a kick-off meeting will take place mid-August which includes all departments and colleges.  At this meeting, directors and recruiters will discuss the organizing of transportation and materials needed to make the trips. Also, a collaborative plan will provide a uniting of each college and department through a listserv which supplies each unit with updates and allows for constant communication between departments.

The end of August marks the start of Preview Nights. Wildcat ambassadors, tour guides, student speakers, college ambassadors, recruiters, faculty and staff combine to create an unforgettable "see blue." experience for the approximately 12,000 people who attend each year.

Encouraging prospective students to "Become a Wildcat" takes countless efforts among a broad spectrum of members in the UK family. For a typical Preview Night, 10 to 15 student recruiters, 40 staff and faculty members and 10 or more student workers are in attendance.  Each person plays a vital role in the success of Preview Nights.

"UK is on the move and the Preview Nights are a true reflection of the excitement on campus," said Witt. 

A collaborative effort behind the scenes makes "see blue." Preview Nights possible.  With the help of numerous colleges and departments on campus, the university is able to provide 13 in-state Preview Nights and eight out-of-state events, including an additional virtual Preview Night offered for those unable to attend in person.  All efforts strive to foster excitement in students to "Become a Wildcat!"

To learn more about shaping your future with an education from the Unviversity of Kentucky, watch the video below.

MEDIA CONTACT: Rebecca Stratton, (859) 323-2395;