Redefining Hate Crimes: A Panel Discussion

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Aug. 26, 2015) — Tomorrow, Thursday, Aug. 27, the University of Kentucky Office of LGBTQ* Resources, Martin Luther King Center, Office of the President and the U.S. Attorney's Office, Eastern District of Kentucky will host a panel event on the 2009 Matthew Shepard James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act at noon in the UK Athletics Auditorium of William T. Young Library.
Matthew Shepard's parents, Dennis and Judy, along with U.S. Attorney Kerry Harvey, Dean David Brennen of the UK College of Law, and UK Police Department Major Nathan Brown will discuss the history and implications surrounding the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009.
The federal law gives the FBI authority to investigate violent hate crimes, including violence directed at the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community.
"This event will be an important space for our communities to engage in conversations about the innate value of every person and the importance of understanding and advocating for diversity in many forms," said Lance Poston, director of LGBTQ* Resources. "Along with campus experts, contributors from the U.S. Attorney’s Office and the Matthew Shepard family will talk about the important legacies of the landmark 2009 national hate crime legislation named for Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr., expanding our conversations from campus resources to regional and national experiences.”
All students, faculty and staff are encouraged to attend. Attendees may submit panel questions prior to the event by using #DOJatUK on Twitter.
For more information about the event visit the event Facebook page.
MEDIA CONTACT: Blair Hoover, (859) 257-6398;