Jack Gill, George McLendon to Lead Course About Life Science Entrepreneurship


LEXINGTON, Ky. (March 2, 2015)  — Jack Gill, Ph.D., entrepreneur, venture capitalist, philanthropist and mentor, along with George McLendon, Ph.D., provost of Rice Univeristy and successful entrepreneur, will lead a free course about life science entrepreneurship, March 17 - April 23, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5-7 p.m. This long running and popular course provides a pragmatic, experience-based education featuring world renowned and guest speakers to explore the role of physicians, scientists, MBAs, and engineers in high-tech startups. Each class session will be conducted via live broadcast from Rice University.

This free program is sponsored by the UK College of Engineering, the UK HealthCare Gill Heart Institute, the UK Center for Clinical and Translational Science, and the Rice Alliance for Technology and Entrepreneurship.

Seating is limited so register as soon as possible. For more information and registration, please visit http://www.engr.uky.edu/startup/ or contact Tony Elam at anthony.j.elam@gmail.com.

The program for the course includes:

Tuesday, March 17
Course Intro, Schedule, Grading, Homework
Opening remarks: George McLendon, Ph.D.
Guests: Eventure founders

Thursday, March 19
Startup Company Dynamics
Guest: Dr. Todd Rosengart

Tuesday, March 24
Startup Financings, Valuations, Outcomes
Guest: John Cooke, M.D., Ph.D.

Thursday, March 26
The Pharmaceutical Industry
Guest: James W. Welsh, M.D.

Tuesday, March 31
Biotech, Diagnostics, and Device Industries
Guest: William Cohn, M.D.

Thursday, April 2
Stock Options & Compensation
Guest: Clifford Dasco, M.D. MBA, MPH

Tuesday, April 7
Landmines on the Road to Success
Guest: Kevin Slawin, M.D.
Mid-semester quiz

Thursday, April 9
Role of Boards in Startups
Guest: Mehdi Razavi, M.D.

Tuesday, April 14
Intelligence, Leadership and Entrepreneurship
Guest: Rich DiMarchi, PhD

Thursday, April 16
Twelve Life Science Case Studies
Guest: Robert C. Rubbins, M.D., TMC
Student essays due

Tuesday, April 21
Career Planning Lecture & Student Discussion
Guests: Yael Hochber, Ph.D., Eventure Founders

Thursday, April 23
Summary, Q&A and Course Survey
Student Oral Presentations

Media Contact: Mallory Powell, mallory.powell@uky.edu