Gill Heart Institute Cardiologist Launches Journal Dedicated to VADs

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Jan. 9, 2015) -- Dr. Maya Guglin, director of mechanical assisted circulation at the University of Kentucky's Gill Heart Institute, has launched The VAD Journal, a publication focused exclusively on mechanical assisted circulation.

"Mechanical assisted circulation is the most rapidly developing area of cardiology, but there is no journal dedicated to papers in this area," Guglin said. "The growing number of patients with heart failure, the limited pool of donors for cardiac transplantation, and several technological breakthroughs have all made the option of implanting a ventricular assist device as destination therapy more important, and therefore it's essential to give cardiologists a dedicated forum to share their research and opinions on the topic." [youtube]

A ventricular assisted device or "VAD," is an implantable device that helps the heart do its job when it is too weak or diseased to perform effectively on its own. Originally designed as a means to maintain circulation until a donor heart could be found, VADs are now gaining popularity as a destination therapy for patients with heart failure.

The VAD Journal will be an open access publication, meaning that its content is available online without significant financial, legal or technical barriers.

"Being open access has many advantages, including the ability to publish submissions with a fair amount of immediacy," Guglin said. "We don't have to wait until an issue is filled before publishing."

The VAD Journal can be accessed at
