Construction to Impact Commonwealth Stadium Parking This Semester

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Jan. 20, 2015) — In the coming months, several construction projects will impact parking in the areas around Commonwealth Stadium.
The planned football practice facility, which will be located adjacent to Commonwealth Stadium, will eliminate a total of 764 parking spaces in the Stadium East Blue Lot. However, the closures will be phased over a period of months. Beginning Sunday, Feb. 1, approximately 200 spaces will be blocked. On Sunday, March 1, an estimated 182 additional parking spaces will be closed. Finally, at the conclusion of spring semester, an additional 382 spaces will be eliminated, and the east section of the Blue Lot will be permanently closed.
At the beginning of each phase, parking attendants will be stationed daily in the impacted areas to make the transition as seamless as possible. UK Parking and Transportation Services has a number of parking alternatives available to students and employees to minimize the impact, as further outlined below.
Additionally, at the conclusion of spring semester, as a result of the Commonwealth Stadium expansion and renovation project, an estimated 249 spaces throughout the Stadium Red and Blue lots will be closed for installation of landscape islands. However, the stadium project is expected to be completed during summer 2015, and prior to the fall 2015 semester, approximately 658 spaces will be restored to the university’s parking inventory.
Students who currently park in the impacted areas may park in any other K Lots. Employees who utilize the impacted lots may also park in any other K Lot, as well as any designated E lot. E lots in the vicinity include the Orange Lot, at the corner of University and Alumni Drives, and the Green Lot, adjacent to the Oswald Building. Based on recent parking lot capacity counts, the above options are expected to adequately absorb parking demand.
A campus parking map can be found at Students and employees are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the map and available alternative lots. Members of the university community who normally park in these areas are encouraged to allow extra time for their commute.
Updated and additional information will be communicated as the dates of the respective construction impacts approach.
MEDIA CONTACT: Sarah Geegan, (859) 257-5365;