Tis the Season to Celebrate Good Health

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Dec. 4, 2014) -- Winter is on its way, and along with colder temperatures come holiday celebrations and precious time with family. It’s the season to feel good about ourselves and cherish what we have. It is also time to value the most important things in life, including our family, our accomplishments, and our health.

Health is not necessarily about visiting the doctor. Rather, it is about being proactive to prevent illness whenever possible. Before the new year arrives, think about how healthy you want to be in the coming year. Here are some tips for making your health a priority this holiday season:

·      Take advantage of community resources: Your county health department is a good place to start. Talk to them about vaccinations, special precautions that will help you stay healthy in winter, and how to prepare for emergency situations like snowstorms, floods and tornadoes. Call your primary care provider or pharmacy and get an updated list of your prescribed medications. Talk to them about ways to get your medications in case of inclement weather or other emergency situations. Keep your list of medications handy (including any vitamins, supplements, and over the counter medications) and share it with emergency management if required.

·      Find ways to be physically active this winter: You are more likely to stick with it if you find an activity you enjoy. Anything and everything that keeps your circulation flowing counts, including dance, yoga, squeezing stress reliever balls, simply lifting your arms and legs up and down, or cleaning your house.

·      Celebrate safely: Holiday partying doesn't have to be no-holds-barred. Enjoy special meals in moderation to avoid holiday weight gain. If you consume alcohol, do so in moderation. If you are going to be consuming alcohol at a celebration, arrange for safe, dependable transportation beforehand. Never drive under the influence of alcohol or accept a ride with a driver who is intoxicated. Always wear your seatbelt. Practice safe sex by using barrier contraceptives (like condoms) to avoid sexually transmitted infections.  

·      Get outdoors, weather permitting: Many companies offer activities and clubs for their employees, and this paper publishes a weekly calendar of events. To find out about parks and recreation opportunities in Lexington, visit the website. For more information on recreation parks statewide, visit the Kentucky State Parks website.

Don't wait until Jan. 1 to make your resolutions.

Dr. Somu Chatterjee is an assistant professor at the University of Kentucky College of Health Sciences in the Physician Assistant Studies Program.