Employee Permit Renewal Now Open

LEXINGTON, Ky. (May 25, 2017) University of Kentucky Transportation Services is now accepting employee intermediate and periphery parking permit renewal applications. UK employees are encouraged to renew their permits at www.uky.edu/transportation. Employees may also apply for permit renewal via campus mail by using printable forms found at www.uky.edu/transportation/help-and-resources_forms or in person at Transportation Services in the Press Avenue Garage (Parking Structure #6). Office hours for permit sales are 7:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Transportation Services will also offer special Saturday permit sales hours from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., June 24 and July 1.

The 2017-2018 parking permits must be displayed no later than Saturday, July 1. Employees are encouraged to renew their permits as early as possible, so as to ensure delivery by Friday, June 30. While online application renewals will be available through Wednesday, July 5, the deadline to have online permit orders mailed is noon Wednesday, June 21.

Transportation Services is offering an express pickup option for employees who order their permit online after noon Thursday, June 22. Employees who utilize this option should allow 24 hours for processing, and may pick up their permit at the Transportation Services offices in the Press Avenue Garage (721 Press Ave.). Hours for permit pickup will be 7:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Intermediate employee permits for the 2017-2018 permit year remain unchanged at $37 per month ($444 annually). Employees who choose to park only at the south campus periphery (Kroger Field Red, Blue, or Orange Lots, or the Large Gluck Lot) may purchase a periphery employee (EK) permit for $34 per month ($408 annually), unchanged from the 2016-17 periphery permit price. The south campus periphery is served by continual and convenient bus service.

Employees who choose to purchase an intermediate employee permit not only have the flexibility of parking in all intermediate employee (E) lots, but may also park in the south campus periphery areas.

All outstanding parking citations must be paid before an application is accepted. Citations may be paid online at www.uky.edu/transportation/online-services_pay-a-citation.

Eligible UK employees may payroll deduct permit fees on a pre-tax basis. Pre-tax authorization must be completed each year. Employees may simply select the pre-tax option during the online application process. If you have already registered for your employee permit but forgot to request a pre-tax deduction, you may complete and submit an authorization form available at www.uky.edu/transportation/online-services_pretax-deduction-enrollment. UK retirees and employees paying through methods other than payroll deduction are not eligible for pre-tax enrollment.

To complete an online application, applicants should have on hand their link blue login and password, license plate number, home or work address, and a credit card if not opting for payroll deduction. It is imperative to review your license plate information for accuracy. Permit holders may have more than one license plate number on their account.

Transportation Services has already awarded core permits through a lottery process. The lottery was open April 17 through May 1. Recipients of these permits have already been notified. However, employees who missed this window may add themselves to the core permit waitlist at www.uky.edu/transportation/online-services_parking-account-manager.

For more information on permits, parking on campus or to receive forms, visit www.uky.edu/transportation, call 859-257-5757 or visit Transportation Services in the Press Avenue Garage (PS #6). To stay up-to-date on campus transportation news, follow Transportation Services on Twitter at http://twitter.com/UKParking, subscribe to the Transportation e-News email newsletter at www.uky.edu/transportation or tune to 1700 AM.