UK to Host Corn, Soybean and Tobacco Field Day at Princeton July 27

PRINCETON, Ky. (July 19, 2017) – The University of Kentucky’s Corn, Soybean and Tobacco Field Day is quickly approaching. The field day, hosted by the UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, is July 27 at the UK Research and Education Center Farm in Princeton. It will occur rain or shine.
Registration begins at 7 a.m. CDT. Four concurrent tours begin at 7:50 a.m. The tours will cover topics related to soil health, production decisions, integrated pest management and tobacco. Producers will have opportunities to participate in all of the tours.
Among the presentations are a research update from UK soil scientist Lloyd Murdock on using a ryegrass cover crop to make fragipan soils more productive and management strategies for improved decision-making from UK agricultural economist Jordan Shockley. UK plant pathologist Carl Bradley will give an update on corn and soybean diseases, and UK plant pathologist Emily Pfeufer will discuss angular leaf spot in dark tobacco.
Field day participants will also get to know many new faces within the UK Grain and Forage Center of Excellence including weed scientist Travis Legleiter.
Certified Crop Advisers can receive two continuing education credits in crop management and one each in integrated pest management, and soil and water management. Program organizers have requested continuing education units for pesticide applicators.
The field day concludes with lunch provided by the Kentucky Corn Growers Association, Kentucky Soybean Promotion Board and the Burley Stabilization Corporation.
The UK Research and Education Center Farm is located at 1205 Hopkinsville St. in Princeton.
For more information, contact Colette Laurent, UK extension associate for grain crops, at or 270-365-7541, ext. 264.