8 Study Spots That Aren't the 3rd Floor of Willy T
It's finals season, and the perfect study spot may seem hard to find. Try out these unconventional spots across campus.
Take your notecards and jump on the elliptical to boost blood flow to the brain.
2. La Madeleine
Fireplaces, soothing music and coffee…need we say more? Open 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Monday-Thursday with varied weekend hours.
3. Lucille Caudill Little Fine Arts Library
This smaller library is centrally located between White Hall and the president's house.
Get your fix of amazing coffee in a comfy setting while being just steps away from free tutors at The Study. Perfect for north campus late nighters.
5. Great Hall in Margaret I King Library
Located on the 2nd floor of the King Library, this hall will open for students to use during finals week for the first time. Open 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Dec. 11-15.
Gatton is full of study rooms with white boards and quiet lounge areas. And if you prefer some background noise and frequent breaks to chat, try the atrium.
The library has multiple group study rooms on every floor. You can even reserve them online now: http://libcal.uky.edu/spaces?lid=534&gid=1031.
Every residence hall has a study area, some on each floor. Ask the front desk if you aren't sure where yours is located!