Professional News

Hoover Serves as Featured Expert in National Environmental Health Literacy Discussion

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LEXINGTON, Ky. (Aug. 25, 2014) —  Anna Hoover,deputy director and co-PI of the Public Health Practice-Based Research Networks National Coordinating Center in the University of Kentucky College of Public Health, was one of only two health and environmental literacy experts featured in a recent webinar from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences' (NIEHS) Partnerships for Environmental Public Health program.  In the presentation on June 24, Hoover discussed the relationship between health literacy and health outcomes, and how an understanding of that relationship can be applied to this emerging field. 

The webinar was designed to generate broader discussion concerning environmental health literacy (EHL). NIEHS has long championed communication strategies and health messages aimed at building public awareness of the effects of environmental exposures on human health. 

Hoover suggested that the field should be defined by drawing upon themes prevalent in the fields of health literacy and environmental literacy. 

“EHL requires a multidisciplinary team to develop, craft, and share important messages about the environment, so that the public and policy makers can make informed decisions,” Hoover said.

“We have a lot of work to do to promote a basic understanding of environmental health issues that can support evidence-based decisions at the individual and community levels,” she stated.

At UK, Hoover also acts as communications director and research translation co-lead for the UK Superfund Research Center.

MEDIA CONTACT: Mallory Powell,