UK Staff Members Can Converse With President Capilouto
LEXINGTON, Ky. (Oct. 2, 2013) ― The University of Kentucky Staff Senate's next Conversation with President Capilouto events will be held from 9-10 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 22 and Tuesday, Nov. 26, at the home of the president, Maxwell Place. Limited seating is available, and guests will be randomly chosen from a pool of respondents. If you are selected, you will be assigned to attend either the October or November session.
"Conversation with the President is a great opportunity for university staff to discuss issues of importance to them with Dr. Capilouto," said Jeff Spradling, chair of the UK Staff Senate. "The Senate also appreciates the chance to get to know our constituents, and how we can serve them better."
All UK staff members can register for the opportunity to be a guest for the conversation by visiting the Conversation with the President registration website. Registration will close Oct. 11, and the next opportunity to submit your name will be in January.
Those randomly selected to attend will be contacted by the UK Staff Senate PR/External Affairs Committee with further details about the event.