Professional News

Former UK Homecoming queen receives her crown — 50 years later


LEXINGTON, Ky. (Oct. 11, 2024) — More than 50 years after her historic crowning as the first Homecoming Queen in Commonwealth Stadium (now Kroger Field), Carol Elam, Ed.D., finally received her crown.  

The crowning took place during last night's Golden Wildcat Reunion — part of UK Homecoming Weekcelebrating the Class of 1974.  

Don Moss, who presented Elam with the overdue crown, is a UK alumnus and served as chairman of the 1973 Homecoming committee. He says he forgot to order the crown during the original event, and recalls being on the sideline during the game when someone handed him a silver tray and flowers, but no crown. 

I assumed President Singletary or the university had taken care of it. We were both surprised,Moss admitted. I dropped the ball, or rather, the crown! 

Over the years, Moss said the missing crown has weighed on his mind.  

I’ve mentioned it to my wife dozens of times and thought about fixing it during past homecomings, but it never happened,” he said.  

However, a recent Alumni Magazine article, featuring Elam’s career and contributions to teaching behavioral health at UK, motivated him to finally make things right. 

Seeing Carol, Alan Stein, and Dr. Singletary brought back those memories. I was NOT going to let it go undone any longer.”  

Moss finally made his amends last night when he presented the crown to Elam in front of the guests at the Golden Wildcat Reunion — a moment of shock and surprise for Elam.  

Alan Stein, who escorted Elam in the homecoming court in 1973, escorted her to the stage during the reunion dinner

"I appreciate the roar of the crowd," she laughed, as the class of 1974 applauded. 

While Moss humbly reflected on the moment, he emphasized that it was all about Elam. 

She hasn’t had that crown on her mantle to show her friends and family. I hope this belated effort brings her some joy — and that Dr. Singletary is smiling down in approval.” 

A three-time UK College of Education graduate, Elam is a highly respected educator in the UK College of Medicine, where she serves as a professor in the Department of Behavioral Science, teaching first-year medical students, and associate dean for admissions and institutional advancement. 

With a career spanning more than three decades, Elam has made significant contributions to medical education, particularly in areas of student admissions and support. Her leadership has helped shape the academic and professional journeys of countless medical students, and her work has been recognized with numerous awards, including the College of Education’s Alumni Excellence Award and hall of fame induction in 2018. In 2016, she received the Career Educator Award from the Southern Group on Educational Affairs.  

UKNow caught up with Elam earlier this week (before her surprise crowning) as part of a Homecoming week series to shine spotlights on alumni who embody UK’s mission to advance Kentucky. Read that Q&A below to learn how Elam’s UK experience shaped and inspired her career path 


UKNow: What’s your favorite UK memory?  

Elam: I attended Ashland Community College after I graduated from Paul G. Blazer High School. This was the opening year of this new ACC facility, and it was well-designed with excellent classrooms and lab and learning spaces, a well-stocked library and a spacious lounge area for student interaction. Area guidance counselors encouraged students from nearby high schools to attend the community college in its inaugural year, and a number of my dearest friends and I did stay. I was very comfortable going there to school, and thought I had excellent instructors who nurtured my interest in pursuing an English degree. Also, as an officer in the student government, I had the opportunity to get to know the ACC administration and faculty and was able to meet with Dr. Charles Wethington when he was a leader of the Community College System. That interaction proved to be helpful when I transferred to UK.  

The transition to UK was easy. I was a Wildcat at heart having cheered on Larry Conley, the former Ashland Tomcat, who was one of Rupp’s Runts when I was a kid. I loved the UK campus and the walks to class. I made friends in my dorm and in my sorority, and those close relationships have continued to this day. 

UKNow: What did you study at UK, and how are you using your degree(s)/UK education to advance Kentucky? 

Elam: Being a double major in English and secondary education was a good decision for me.  I did teach English and speech at Russell Middle School for three years after graduation. But on completing my master’s degree in educational psychology and counseling, I decided to apply for a job posted on a bulletin board in the College of Education for a position as an educational consultant in the College of Medicine. I started working at the UK COM in 1978… and have been there ever since… serving in a lot of roles such as faculty development, testing and evaluation, student services, director of medical education research and as dean for admissions. Having directed the process of recruiting and selecting students to serve as physicians for citizens of Kentucky and beyond for 29 years was a privilege.  

UKNow: What does it mean to you to be a graduate of UK?  

Elam: It means a lot …  I see myself as a Kentuckian… and I am proud of all that the University of Kentucky does to support all the citizens of the Commonwealth.  

UKNow: Were there any specific professors, mentors or student organizations that had a lasting effect on you? 

Elam: Dr. Charles Elton was my major professor for my doctoral program. He provided ongoing encouragement to me “to get on with it” and complete my degree. He was aware that once I defended my dissertation, I was in line to be appointed the admissions dean for the UK College of Medicine. At the end of that defense he simply said “Now, you have a golden opportunity to publish admissions studies. Get out there and do it.” And I did. I also want to recognize Dr. Charles Wethington. After he was appointed UK president, I had the opportunity to accompany the dean of the College of Medicine to meet with him. During our meeting an opportunity presented itself. I asked Dr. Wethington to please help me recruit top Kentucky students to stay in Kentucky and attend medical school at UK COM. He remembered me, understood my request and was supportive of providing additional scholarship support.  

UKNow: How did UK prepare you for life after graduation, both personally and professionally?  

Elam: The University of Kentucky afforded me the opportunities to complete three degrees and achieve my evolving life’s ambitions of being a professor and a college administrator. I counseled and taught students — later physicians — who could and did improve the lives of others. This has been such a rewarding career and I am most grateful. 

UKNow: What advice would you give current Wildcats? 

Elam: Enjoy your college experiences. The happy memories you make now will give you pleasure throughout your life. Also, have a route you hope to follow through life… but the detours that present themselves can lead you to the destination that will bring you satisfaction.   


The UK community and the public are invited to celebrate UK Homecoming 2024 all week long by taking part in some of the 50-plus events happening on campus and beyond this week. Learn more here or visit 

As the state’s flagship, land-grant institution, the University of Kentucky exists to advance the Commonwealth. We do that by preparing the next generation of leaders — placing students at the heart of everything we do — and transforming the lives of Kentuckians through education, research and creative work, service and health care. We pride ourselves on being a catalyst for breakthroughs and a force for healing, a place where ingenuity unfolds. It's all made possible by our people — visionaries, disruptors and pioneers — who make up 200 academic programs, a $476.5 million research and development enterprise and a world-class medical center, all on one campus.   

In 2022, UK was ranked by Forbes as one of the “Best Employers for New Grads” and named a “Diversity Champion” by INSIGHT into Diversity, a testament to our commitment to advance Kentucky and create a community of belonging for everyone. While our mission looks different in many ways than it did in 1865, the vision of service to our Commonwealth and the world remains the same. We are the University for Kentucky.