Jackson Joins Leadership Board

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Jan. 9, 2012) — Judy “JJ” Jackson, vice president of the Office for Institutional Diversity at the University of Kentucky, has been elected recently to serve as a member of Leadership Kentucky’s board of directors.
Leadership Kentucky is the premier statewide leadership development organization in Kentucky. Created in 1984 as a non-profit educational organization, Leadership Kentucky’s membership includes people whose resumes feature leadership abilities, career accomplishments and volunteer activities, all qualities that help the group to gain insight into complex issues facing the state.
Jackson was the first person to lead the state flagship university’s new Office for Institutional Diversity in July 2008. She advises the university’s leadership on all academic, fiscal and administrative policy decisions regarding diversity, on developing, implementing and evaluating a diversity plan, and on active community involvement around diversity issues. She is the senior administrative officer responsible for promoting collaboration among faculty, staff, administration and students in pursuit of UK's diversity goals. Jackson is also a tenured associate professor in the UK College of Education’s Department of Educational Policy Studies and Evaluation. Jackson is a 2010 graduate of Leadership Kentucky.
Leadership Kentucky aims to prepare participants to take an active role in advancing the state for the common good. By fostering understanding of how the state's issues are interconnected and by forging new relationships among community and regional leaders, Leadership Kentucky graduates bring a fresh and informed perspective to their communities and companies, serving as important participants in the unified effort to shape Kentucky's future.
By identifying and developing people with leadership resources, Leadership Kentucky’s goal is to impart information that inspires its members to commit to future endeavors that benefit the state and its citizens.
For more information about Leadership Kentucky, call (502) 695-1102, visit www.leadershipky.org or e-mail lky@leadershipky.org.