Miller Recognized for Positive Contributions to the Social Work Profession

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Jan. 25, 2018) — Justin "Jay" Miller, assistant professor at the University of Kentucky College of Social Work, has spent his adult life advocating for the lives of young people in and from foster care through his teaching, research and community involvement.
In recognition of the positive impact he has made on the lives of young people and his work to shape foster care practices, Miller is one of only 10 individuals across the country in the social work profession to be awarded the “Dedicated and Deserving “ Recognition Award from Social Work Today magazine. Each awardee is nominated by colleagues and co-workers. Miller will be profiled in the January/February issue.
In addition to his teaching and research at UK, Miller is heavily engaged in foster care advocacy and serves as president of Foster Care Alumni of America – Kentucky, where he consults and leads research projects and initiatives. He also serves as chair of the Kentucky Children's Justice Act Taskforce, chair of the Kentucky Board of Social Work, and is a member of the Federal Juvenile Justice Advisory Board, among other service endeavors.
Most recently, Miller was appointed to the Association of Social Work Board on Social Work Education Licensing and Regulation National Taskforce. The new taskforce is being formed to develop practice competencies and social work curricular resources for licensing and regulation.