Professional News

Staff Senate Opens Nominations for Senate Membership and Board of Trustees Staff Representative

Photo credit: Mark Cornelison
Senators listen and engage during monthly Staff Senate meetings to discuss decision-making, developments and issues across the institution. Mark Cornelison | UK Photo.

LEXINGTON, Ky.  (April 11, 2022) — Are you a University of Kentucky staff member interested in university-level conversations and decision-making? If so, consider running for election to the UK Staff Senate or Staff Representative to the Board of Trustees.

Join us in April for "Meet and Greets" with current senators and the current Board of Trustees Staff Representative to learn more about the roles and duties involved.

Details on "Meet and Greets," links to become a candidate for each election and more can be found on the Staff Senate elections website:

"These elections are opportunities to serve staff and the university at a level beyond our daily duties and tasks in our individual departments,” said Staff Senate Chair Olivia Ellis. “Staff Senators are able to discuss and review issues brought forward by staff while also offering solutions and developing them with administration.”

The impact of staff does not end there. “The staff representative to the UK Board of Trustees is critical in conveying staff needs and realities to the university’s highest level of leadership," Ellis said. "We want to make the university and the Commonwealth stronger, but none of it is possible without active staff members willing to serve.”

More information is included below, and full election details are available on the Staff Senate elections website. For additional questions or concerns, please contact the Staff Senate Elections Committee Chair Sarah Steen at

Staff Senate Membership Election

Established in 2002, the UK Staff Senate is the official representative body of the staff of the university. Members are involved in university committees and workgroups within and outside of Staff Senate and have a three-year term in the Senate. Senators advise university leadership on policy decisions impacting employees and create spaces and events that ensure staff members across the enterprise are heard and appreciated.

Beyond representing the interests of staff in conversations and decision-making with university administration, Staff Senate works to strengthen relationships and empower all university employees and students to participate in decision-making processes.

Staff Senate activity has resulted in an increased minimum wage at UK, the extension of vacation use deadlines, added benefits and policy updates, the creation of the shared leave pool, updates to inclement weather closure communications, work-life policies and more.

According to UK President Eli Capilouto, having more people involved with Staff Senate will result in a better understanding of the issues facing campus. “Please consider becoming a Staff Senator," he said. "We need your help if we are going to live up to our aspirations as the University for Kentucky.”

If you’re interested in learning more about Staff Senate and what it means to be a member, please join us for a Meet and Greet in April or chat with a current Senator. If you’re ready to become a candidate for Staff Senate, submit your nomination form online now.

Elections Timeline:

  • Nomination Period: April 1 – April 30
  • Voting Period: May 11 - May 22
  • Election Results Announced: May 27

Staff Representative to the Board of Trustees Election

Are you interested in taking it a step further and representing staff interests at the Board of Trustees? Consider running for Staff Representative to the Board of Trustees – an elected board member with voice and vote in university operations.

The Staff Representative to the Board of Trustees is actively involved in Board activities, committee service, and university events. The Staff Representative meets regularly with university and Staff Senate leadership and is trusted to voice the needs, viewpoints, and realities of our diverse staff in all Board of Trustees discussions and voting. This role has a voice and vote in Board decision-making which directly impacts the university budget and operations. This position is a three-year term.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Board of Trustees Staff Representative role, please join us for a Meet and Greet in April or reach out to the current Staff Representative Dave Melanson at If you’re ready to become a candidate for Staff Representative, submit your nomination form now.

Elections Timeline:

  • Nomination Period: April 1 – April 22
  • Candidate Debate/Q&A: May 10
  • Voting Period: May 11 - May 22
  • Election Results Announced: May 27

For more information, please visit the Staff Senate elections website or contact the Staff Senate Elections Committee Chair Sarah Steen at


As the state’s flagship, land-grant institution, the University of Kentucky exists to advance the Commonwealth. We do that by preparing the next generation of leaders — placing students at the heart of everything we do — and transforming the lives of Kentuckians through education, research and creative work, service and health care. We pride ourselves on being a catalyst for breakthroughs and a force for healing, a place where ingenuity unfolds. It's all made possible by our people — visionaries, disruptors and pioneers — who make up 200 academic programs, a $476.5 million research and development enterprise and a world-class medical center, all on one campus.