Tenmast Software Honored as 2014 Innovative Workplace Award Recipient
LEXINGTON, Ky. (May 1, 2014) — The University of Kentucky Institute for Workplace Innovation (iwin) has announced Tenmast Software as the recipient of the third annual Dr. Lee T. Todd Jr. Bridging the Gap Between Workplace Research to Practice Award.
The award recognizes former UK President Lee T. Todd's vision in creating an institute committed to Kentucky's workforce challenges through engaging organizations in academic research, learning opportunities, and sharing best practices to implement in the 21st century workplace. As the award honoree, Tenmast will receive a complimentary one‐year partnership to iwin’s Innovative Employer Roundtable and participate in exclusive partner events. The award ceremony will take place May 14 during iwin’s Innovative Employer Roundtable Meeting.
The Innovative Employer Roundtable Steering Committee selected Tenmast as the honoree after reviewing numerous applications from impressive Kentucky organizations and personally interviewing three finalists. The award, effective for one year beginning in May, will include attendance at the May and October Roundtable meetings. Subsequent awards will be offered each year in May and are open to applications from any Kentucky organization beginning in November 2014.
“I believe that Tenmast embodies the essence of the Todd Award through demonstration of innovative workplace practices," said Kim Doty of Toyota Engineering and Manufacturing, iwin Steering Committee member and interview panelist. "I am pleased with their addition as a partner to our iwin Roundtable.”
Tenmast Software serves public housing authorities and private affordable housing management companies with software for tenant management, finance/accounting, maintenance, inspections, document management, HUD reporting, and executive decision making. The 30-year-old company headquartered in Lexington, currently has 65 employees and two locations.
“The employees at Tenmast Software are very excited to receive the Dr. Lee Todd Award," said Greg Hodge, director of Human Resources at Tenmast. "Tenmast Software is in the process of becoming a 100 percent employee owned company, and we see iwin as a critical piece to our strategic plan. We are focused on maximizing employee engagement and bringing innovative ideas and solutions to our daily work. iwin is a great partnership between business and education, transferring knowledge and practical solutions from research to local businesses. We hope to use what we learn at iwin to create a 21st century workplace that values our employees, develops their skills and provides long lasting returns for our shareholders and the local community.”
The mission of the Institute for Workplace Innovation is to develop and disseminate knowledge about the 21st century workplace to create work environments that boost the bottom line, employee health, and work-life fit. In addition to operating the Innovative Employer Roundtable, iwin also provides consulting in a variety of topics including Change Cycle, the multi-generational workforce and executive coaching; iwin also specializes in the development, implementation, and analysis of customized surveys and assessments.
Housed in the College of Social Work, iwin is affiliated with other colleges including the colleges of Public Health, Design, Education, Engineering, Communication and Information Studies, and Gatton College of Business and Economics.
For more information, please contact: Stephanie Shaw, stephanie.shaw@uky.edu.