
Apply for Special Collections Learning Lab Internships Now

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Aug. 28, 2014)  One week remains for students to apply for the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center (SCRC) Learning Lab internship. The SCRC Learning Lab is a center of primary research, experiential learning, and training targeted to UK undergraduates in various disciplines who want to enhance their studies through training in archival methods and theory. Applications for fall and spring internships are due Friday, Sept. 4.

Interns with the SCRC Learning Lab will be taught to arrange and describe rare or unique collections in their area of research interest, and enhance access to those collections through the broader academic community through creating guides, exhibits or transcriptions. Interns will also produce a final scholarly project, such as a poster, presentation or exhibit, reflecting on the impact the internship had on their research.

Interns will be expected to work five to 10 hours a week and will receive $8.80 per hour.

This year's interns will make accessible a collection that highlights Lexington’s architectural history by processing the Frankel and Curtis blueprints and papers. Multiple students will work together on a multi-format project after the collection is processed that will layer GIS technology, city government data, and archival photos using digital humanities tools. This project will also include analysis of a National Register of Historic Places application.

This is an ideal project for students of various backgrounds, including computer science, architecture, engineering, historic preservation, geography, sociology, anthropology, fine arts or history. For more details, visit the UK Libraries website at:

Interested applicants in the SCRC internship are encouraged to submit a completed application form found on the lab’s website at, with cover letter, resume/CV, and one faculty reference by Friday, Sept. 4, to: Deirdre Scaggs, Associate Dean of Special Collections, University of Kentucky Libraries, Margaret I. King Building, Lexington, KY, 40506-0039. To email an internship packet, send materials to

UK Special Collections Research Center is home to UK Libraries' collection of rare books, Kentuckiana, the Archives, the Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, the King Library Press, the Wendell H. Ford Public Policy Research Center and the Bert T. Combs Appalachian collection. The mission of the Special Collections Research Center is to locate and preserve materials documenting the social, cultural, economic and political history of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

MEDIA CONTACT: Whitney Hale, 859-257-8716;