K Week: Water Balloon Fight
LEXINGTON, KY. (Aug. 24, 2012) — TGIF of K Week because on this last day of the University of Kentucky fall welcoming program it’s all about having fun.
If a freshman needs to work off the stress of his or her first week of college classwork, a workout at the Johnson Center is just the thing. Doors are open until midnight.
The Resident Student Association has planned a Block Party in the courtyard between Blanding and Kirwan Towers from 9 to 11:45 p.m. Who can resist free food, great music, games and even more free stuff?
Looking for something super bad? The Late Night Film Series in Worsham Theater is screening “Superbad” at 10 p.m.
Put together about 10,000 people and about 200,000 water balloons and the result is sure to be monster mayhem in the UK Wildcat tradition. Each year, a new world record for the Largest Water Balloon Fight is broken, and the following year’s freshmen are determined to beat their predecessors. Be part of this year’s wet and wild experience at the Johnson Center Fields. The whistle to begin the toss is at 11:55 p.m., but be early because it takes less time to throw 200,000 water balloons than one would think. For a sample of last year’s madness, visit www.ukcsf.org.
Coordinated by the Office of New Student and Parent Programs in the Division of Student Affairs, K Week is UK’s fall welcome week for freshmen and transfer students. For more information about K Week, visit the Facebook page at www.facebook.com/KWeekatUK, follow K Week on Twitter at twitter.com/K_Week and check out the YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/KWeekatUK. The full K Week schedule is available at http://www.uky.edu/StudentAffairs/KWeek/pdf/KWSchedule.pdf