Money Management Matters Site to Aid Students, Topic: Saving and Investing
LEXINGTON, Ky. (Dec. 5, 2014) — What might your degree be worth?
The University of Kentucky Graduate School is prepared to aid students in developing the personal financial knowledge to answer this question and others related to financial literacy.
The UK Graduate School has created a personal financial education webpage titled "Money Management Matters," built upon six salient personal financial topics that pertain directly to students and graduates:
1. Student loans
2. Employment
3. Health care
4. Credit
5. Saving and investing
6. Money management
This week, UKNow will highlight the fifth topic: saving and investing
Saving and investing money wisely is a key component of sustainable personal financial health. Whether one is putting money back for a down payment on a home or developing a strategy to save aggressively for retirement, saving and investing money effectively should be a priority. The MMM web page provides a list of resources that will supply the foundation of information for informed saving and investing decisions over all phases of one's personal financial life cycle.
"One of the smartest choices to implement is to begin saving early," said Chris Riley, project manager of the Enhancing Student Financial Education Grant and graduate student at the Martin School of Public Policy and Administration. "This allows the power of compounding to make small investments (now), become very valuable in the future. The 'Saving and Investing' tab on the MMM web page provides some valuable information on early investment strategies that we feel will get you on the right path to a comfortable retirement.”
The UK Graduate School is one of 15 universities, in partnership with the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) and the investment firm TIAA-CREF, introducing a personal financial literacy initiative aimed at educating students and graduates.
Last fall the 15 university partners distributed surveys to their graduate student populations concerning a variety of personal financial questions, to understand their “baseline” of personal financial knowledge. Using this information, the CGS developed as a personal financial education platform designed to help students and graduates enhance their personal financial knowledge.
The UK Graduate School has created the "Money Management Matters" website to strengthen this initiative at UK.
“We hope the information provided within and MMM will aid students and graduates in establishing a strong foundation of personal financial knowledge that they can build upon in order to make sound decisions across all stages of their personal financial life cycle,” Riley said.
MEDIA CONTACT: Sarah Geegan, (859) 257-5365;