The Perfect Mixer: Drinking and Responsibility With Mike Green
LEXINGTON, Ky. (Oct. 15, 2014) — Theta Chi Fraternity and Delta Zeta are proud to present Mike Green for a talk on responsible, safe drinking at 6 p.m. tonight, Wednesday, Oct. 15, at Worsham Theatre on UK's campus.
This is not a “don’t drink” talk, rather an engaging, interactive talk on how to be safe and responsible when consuming alcohol. The event is free and open to the general public.
Mike Green is the president and founder of Collegiate Consultants, a group focused on raising drug and alcohol awareness on college campuses. Over the past 18 years, Green has spoken to more than 2,000 campuses nationwide. He serves as a consultant to the student affairs and athletic departments of numerous universities, including Florida State, Penn State and Princeton University. He produced alcohol and drug programs for the medical societies of New Jersey and Virginia and for professional sports teams including the Philadelphia Flyers.
Winchell’s restaurant, Cornett IMS, Central Bank, the University of Kentucky’s Community of Concern and the Student Wellness Ambassadors are also partners for the event.
This event is part of Theta Chi’s Sacred Purpose Movement. Sacred Purpose launched this past January and is an idea focusing on Theta Chi’s motto of “an assisting hand.” Sacred Purpose was founded as a result of an alcohol related death at a Theta Chi chapter in California and is looking to raise awareness of the dangers of alcohol, drug and mental health issues among college students.
College can be a very stressful time for young people and Theta Chi is starting this movement to let college students know that they are not alone.
From the Sacred Purpose website: Inspired by our most deeply cherished fraternal value—the assisting hand—the mission of Sacred Purpose is simple: to inspire a better brotherhood and deeper level of mutual caring for one another. In doing so, the Sacred Purpose movement will do more than assist and protect members; Sacred Purpose will help every member live his very best life.
More information can be found at and
MEDIA CONTACT: Katy Bennett,, 859-257-1909
UK THETA CHI CONTACT: Clayton Abernathy, Vice President of Health and Safety for Theta Chi,