Sno-Cones and T-shirts and Answers, Oh My!

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Aug. 27, 2010) – K Week has been chock full of events of all types and there’s no denying it might have been a little overwhelming. We know that the week is winding down and classes are gearing up, but it’s not time to give up going to events just yet. The Peer Resource Team (PRT) is excited to announce their first ever Friday Freeze!
Still have questions from the Student Involvement Fair? Didn’t get a chance to stop by an organization’s table? Let us know and we can help you with all of your involvement questions. The PRT is here to help students get involved and utilize all the opportunities available to them at UK.
So join us from 11 a.m.–2 p.m. on the walkway between Rose Street and the Young Library as we cool off with free make your own flavor sno-cones. With over 20 flavor combinations, there is sure to be something for everyone! Before heading off to class or back to the residence halls, don’t forget to stop by the penguin pond for a chance to win prizes, maybe even a free T-shirt!