Excellent Student Leadership Positions Available Through SAB
LEXINGTON, Ky. (Oct. 28, 2014) — The Student Activities Board is now accepting applications for the 2015-16 Executive Team and Board of Directors through Monday, Nov. 17. Applications are due by 5 p.m Monday, Nov. 17, in the SAB office, 204 Student Center. The applications, requirements and other necessary information can be found at www.uksab.org/GetInvolved.
The applications available are for positions on the Executive Team and Promotions Team, and also for directorships for the eight programming committees. Executive Team positions include president, vice president of internal affairs and vice president of promotions. Promotions Team positions include information technology, media, public relations, graphic design and assistant graphic design. Programming director positions include campus life, concerts, cultural arts, engaging issues, multicultural affairs, pop culture, traditions and market research.
With no prior involvement required, SAB is looking for hard-working, passionate and creative students that want to unite the campus and community by bringing exciting events to campus. Directorship, through programming or the executive team, provides the opportunity to earn internship credit, such as COM 399 and JAT 399.
“I would recommend any student wanting to get involved on campus and become a campus leader to consider applying for a position,” Jacob Ewing, president of the Student Activities Board, said. “The board has helped me develop as an individual, professional and leader in ways that I could not have gained elsewhere.”
Applicants are highly encouraged to visit the SAB office before the application deadline. If you have any questions, please email Jacob Ewing, SAB president, at president@uksab.org.
SAB brings more than 100 entertaining, educational and enriching programs that are reflective of contemporary issues and trends to the University of Kentucky annually. These programs are designed to enhance the college experience for students, faculty, staff and the greater Lexington community.
Connect with SAB at www.uksab.org, follow them on Twitter at twitter.com/UKSAB or Instagram at instagram.com/uksab or like them on Facebook at www.facebook.com/UKSAB. For more information about SAB and events, email contact@uksab.org or text a question beginning with SABQ, followed by your question or comment, to 411-247.
MEDIA CONTACT: Katy Bennett, katy.bennett@uky.edu, 859-257-1909
SAB CONTACT: Olivia Senter, publicrelations@uksab.org, 859-257-8868