UK College of Education Students Read to Children at Breckinridge Elementary

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Feb. 24, 2017) — When Breckinridge Elementary sent an email seeking readers for Black History Month, it sparked an idea for two University of Kentucky College of Education faculty members.
Mary Shake and Joni Meade teach literacy methods in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. In semesters past, students captured video of themselves reading a children’s book as a class assignment. This semester, however, the aspiring educators went to Breckinridge Elementary and completed the assignment in classrooms across the school.
“The experience was a win for the school in getting dozens of readers on their campus. But it was particularly a win for us, as it gave our students yet another authentic experience in schools and was a great community involvement opportunity for them,” Shake said.
The professors hope to continue the experience.
“Our students, even early in their studies, get multiple opportunities to work with schools,” Meade said. “Any time we can convert a traditional assignment into a real-word experience, we jump on that opportunity because it adds authenticity to our lessons and often provides a service to schools.”