10 Must-Visit Places Before Your Next Exam

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Oct. 1, 2021) — As we work as a campus to return to normal, a refresher on tutoring resources that are available to you may be important, especially as you begin to prepare for midterms.
Here are 10 must-visit places before your next exam:
- Integrated Success Coaching. Integrated Success Coaches work together to share disciplinary knowledge to best coach/partner with each student in real-time, to establish cohesiveness of service and to build trust. Rather than students finding and working with numerous offices/coaches on campus, Integrated Success Coaches are trained to take a holistic approach to support and develop students.
- Presentation U. Students can receive free tutoring for communication projects in any form for any course, including research papers, essays, lab reports, presentations, infographics, ePortfolios and iPad related projects. Tutoring can be delivered face-to-face, online or on written assignments, submitted online.
- The Writing Center. The Writing Center offers free assistance to all University of Kentucky students. They help with writing, speaking and multimedia assignments across the curriculum.
- The Study. The Study offers free, drop-in peer tutoring for many 100- and 200-level UK core courses in math, science and business. In addition to tutoring, The Study offers virtual Common Hour Review (CHR) sessions for courses including CHRs for CHE 105 and MA 123, 109 and 113/114. The Study has three convenient locations on campus and also offers virtual tutoring sessions.
- The Media Depot. The Media Depot, located in The Hub in Willy T., provides access to recording equipment and space, editing stations with specialized multimedia software and technical support for students’ development of their academic media projects. Media Depot staff is available in-person and online via Zoom.
- Organic Chemistry Learning Center. The Organic Chemistry Learning Center is open this semester to any student needing in person help with 200-level Organic Chemistry classes. The Center is located in Jacob Science Building. UK students can book a 30-60 minute, one-on-one appointment with an organic chemistry teaching assistant.
- General Chemistry Learning Center. The General Chemistry Learning Center is open this semester to any student needing help with 100-level General Chemistry classes. All UK students can book a 30-60 minute, one-on-one appointment with a general chemistry teaching assistant through Tutor Matching Service (TMS).
- LEAP (Lab for Economics & Accounting Proficiency). LEAP provides free tutoring services for students enrolled in ACC 201, ACC 202, ACC 301, ECO 201, ECO 202, ECO 391 and ECO 401.
- Business Analytics Lab (BA Lab). The lab provides free tutoring and software support for students enrolled in analytics courses and any student using analytics software. Lab instructors, upperclassmen and graduate students, facilitate student learning, answer software related questions and provide guidance on analytical concepts.
- Biology Learning Center. Undergraduate instructional assistants are available to tutor the following courses: BIO 148, 152, 155, 302, 303, 304, 308, 315, 325, 350, BCH 401G and PGY412G.
For more information on student support services available to you, visit the Student Success website.
As the state’s flagship, land-grant institution, the University of Kentucky exists to advance the Commonwealth. We do that by preparing the next generation of leaders — placing students at the heart of everything we do — and transforming the lives of Kentuckians through education, research and creative work, service and health care. We pride ourselves on being a catalyst for breakthroughs and a force for healing, a place where ingenuity unfolds. It's all made possible by our people — visionaries, disruptors and pioneers — who make up 200 academic programs, a $476.5 million research and development enterprise and a world-class medical center, all on one campus.