UK Shares Business Opportunities

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Aug. 1, 2013) — Minority business and civic leaders will find this year's Lexington Bluegrass Area Minority Business Expo an engaging event.
Scheduled for Aug. 1-2, 2013 in Lexington, the expo is celebrating its 11th year connecting minority-owned businesses with those who need their goods and services.
University of Kentucky Facilities Management and UK Community Engagement are major sponsors again this year, committed to serving as an advocate for minority, women and disabled-owned businesses in their efforts to conduct business.
With the university's contractual agreement with National Diversity Solutions to provide a web-based portal, this year UK will be registering diverse vendors at the Expo to include in its database. Among the unversity's goals this year for disadvantaged business enterprises (DBE) are:
- To increase the amount of goods and services acquired by the university from businesses owned and controlled by DBEs
- To ensure the absence of barriers that reduce the participation of DBEs
- Educate vendors on “how to” do business with the university
- Support DBE vendors seeking to do business with the university in the areas of goods, services and construction
- Encourage participation of qualified DBE designated vendors by directing them to agencies that can benefit from their product or service
- Provide resources for DBE vendors
- Maintain a database of designated DBE vendors for use by general contractors and other purchasing entities seeking qualified vendors
- Sponsor seminars and conduct training workshops to help DBE designated vendors become active participants in the university’s contracting opportunities.