Dutch named American Society of Virology President-Elect
LEXINGTON, Ky. (Oct. 1, 2015) — University of Kentucky College of Medicine Professor Rebecca Dutch has been named President-Elect for the American Society for Virology (ASV).
The American Society of Virology, comprised of over 3,000 members from around the globe, was founded in 1981 to provide a forum for discussion and collaboration for investigators of human, animal, insect, plant, fungal and bacterial viruses. ASV sponsors a large annual meeting, promotes communication about virology research to the broader community, and represents virologists on national and international scientific councils. Dutch will serve as the ASV president-elect for 2015-2016 and ASV president from 2016-2017.
Dutch is a professor of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry and associate dean of Biomedical Education in the UK College of Medicine. She was named a UK University Research Professor for 2015-2016.
MEDIA CONTACT: Allison Perry, (859) 323-2399 or allison.perry@uky.edu