Employees Invited to Submit Healing Art for UK HealthCare Exhibits
LEXINGTON, Ky. (April 10, 2015) — University of Kentucky employees who consider visual art a passion, hobby or vocation are encouraged to submit original works for one of two exhibits coordinated by the UK Arts in HealthCare program.
During its third annual call for employee artwork, the UK Arts in HealthCare program will select employee submissions for inclusion in two exhibits titled "The Healing Presence of Art." Submissions should represent themes of healing and restoration and impart an understanding of how art enhances the health care environment. Pieces will be selected by an independent and external juror and exhibited in one of two employee galleries located in Pavilion H and the UK Good Samaritan Hospital.
Employees can submit up to three two-dimensional pieces of artwork in any medium. Pieces should be no larger than 20 by 30 inches and ready for framing upon submission. Selected pieces will become part of the UK Arts in HealthCare program's permanent collection and displayed at various locations throughout the medical campus with recognition of the artist. The call is open to UK employees and their immediate family members.
The deadline to submit artwork is April 30, and all artists will be notified of acceptance by May 15.
To access an application form, click here. For more information, contact Kelsey Lownds at kelsey.lownds@uky.edu.
MEDIA CONTACT: Elizabeth Adams, elizabethadams@uky.edu