UK HealthCare

Pediatric Sedation and Procedure Unit Opens at Kentucky Children's Hospital

Photo of the lobby area in the new Pediatric Sedation and Procedure Unit
Photo of patient room in the pediatric sedation and procedure unit

LEXINGTON, Ky. (May 14, 2018) – Kentucky Children's Hospital (KCH) recently opened the Circle of Blue Sedation and Procedure Unit, a facility for a wide variety of outpatient services in a child-focused environment. Housed on the ground floor in the recently updated KCH facilities, this new unit replaces the existing outpatient facility and merges it with the new sedation and procedure unit.

In the new space, pediatric patients are prepared for outpatient procedures such as antibiotic therapy, the administration of gastrointestinal and rheumatology medication and chemotherapy. Patients can be sedated to keep them comfortable and calm during their procedures, and they are carefully monitored through the procedure and recovery.

"Our goal is to minimize the fear and pain children often associate with hospitalization," said Bari Lee Mattingly, manager of the Pediatric Sedation and Procedure Unit.

"We want our young patients to leave here having had a good experience, and remove the stigma that hospitals are scary places."    

Other unit amenities include:

  • 12 private patient rooms with televisions, toys and games
  • Two specialized procedure rooms
  • An area for lab draws, wound checks and tube exchange
  • A dedicated Child Life specialist who not only provides patient education, but comfort and distraction during procedures.