UK Vaccine Clinic Administers 100,000th Dose
LEXINGTON, Ky. (March 4, 2021) — The University of Kentucky and UK HealthCare celebrated a milestone today as the 100,000th COVID-19 vaccine was administered at the Kroger Field vaccination clinic.
Roberta Mason of Frankfort was waiting in line with her daughter Sherry to get her second dose of the vaccine when she was informed by UK staff that she was to receive the 100,000th dose since the clinic opened at Kroger Field in January. She was already excited to receive her booster but was overjoyed to find out she would receive the milestone dose. Her vaccine was given by pharmacist Stephanie Branham.
“I’m glad I have this shot,” said Mason, whose post-pandemic plans include going shopping with her daughter. “I feel really good. I’m ready to party.”
To anyone who is hesitant to get the vaccine, Mason has a request.
“Please, come and get the vaccine,” she said. “COVID is a nothing to play around with. It’s a horrible, horrible disease. So many people have passed. It’s very sad.”
The COVID-19 vaccination clinic at Kroger Field is vaccinating up to 450 Kentuckians per hour and is currently the largest vaccination clinic in the region — serving 20,000+ Kentuckians per week.
The vaccination clinic operates from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday-Friday and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturdays.
For more information on how to register to receive the COVID-19 vaccine:
A sign-up tool has been developed where you will answer screening questions and then be invited to consent to be vaccinated, according to the state’s prioritized guidelines. The sign-up is available here.
By completing the vaccine request form, you will be added to the database of those requesting to receive the COVID-19 vaccine at the Kroger Field location. The database will allow UK HealthCare to send invitations for vaccine appointments based on the recommended phased distribution from the Commonwealth of Kentucky, with priority given to health care workers, essential workers and older people. Once you receive the email invitation, please respond as quickly as possible.
For questions about this process, you can call 859-218-0111 or email A list of current information and frequently asked questions is available at
UK HealthCare is following Kentucky’s phased plan. Kentucky and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have directed that vaccinations be offered in the following phases:
1A: Long-term care facilities, assisted living facilities, health care personnel.
1B: First responders, anyone age 70 or older, K-12 school personnel.
1C: Anyone age 60 or older, anyone age 16 or older with CDC highest risk C19 conditions, all essential workers.
2: Anyone age 40 or older.
3: Anyone age 16 or older.
4: Children under the age of 16 if the vaccine is approved for this age group.