Welcome Home Wildcats!

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Aug. 21, 2014) – Lawns are mowed, professors are finalizing their plans for the year and residence halls are prepared for students to move in – the University of Kentucky campus is anticipating the start of a new semester.
For more than 5,000 students, Friday, Aug. 22, marks the beginning of their collegiate career at UK, either as an incoming freshman or as a transfer student. It also kicks off one of the most exciting times on campus – K Week.
K Week runs from Friday, Aug. 22, through Saturday, Aug. 30, and is a popular UK tradition – a week filled with more than 250 events and activities that help students get oriented with campus, get involved with student life and get connected to the city of Lexington. K Week is known as “the best way to get started at UK,” and is a great opportunity to make new friends, explore all the university has to offer and have some fun along the way.
K Week officially begins Friday evening with residence hall floor meetings at 6 p.m. followed by K Week Kick-off, where new students will meet their K Crew leaders and K Teams for the first time. K Teams are small groups of 10 – 15 students who are led by a veteran UK student, their K Crew leader. Meeting in these small groups quickly gives all students a chance to meet a few of their classmates and connects them to a returning student who can be a resource for them throughout the year.
Additionally, parents and families are welcomed to join faculty, staff and administrators on Friday evening for the Parents and Families Reception in the Grand Ballroom of the Student Center while new students attend student-only events.
Saturday is full of sessions to answer everything you wanted to know about college, but have never asked, from how to navigate campus to keeping your car out of impound. At 3:30 p.m., the university community officially welcomes our newest Wildcats at the New Student Induction Ceremony.
At 6:30 p.m. Saturday, student-only activities begin, and so does all the fun! Highlighting Saturday night is two of K Week’s most popular events, Big Blue U and Campus Ruckus. Big Blue U introduces new students to the Big Blue Nation. Students learn what it means to be a Wildcat by learning UK’s cheers and songs and hearing from UK coaches and student-athletes. Students are then led onto the field at Commonwealth Stadium for an official class photo.
Immediately following Big Blue U, the parking lot of Commonwealth Stadium is turned to a huge party known as Campus Ruckus.
K Week is full of fun that any Wildcat would not want to miss! Below is a list of key K Week events; for the full schedule visit www.uky.edu/KWeek. Connect with K Week on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and use #KWeek14 to share your K Week experiences!
Friday, Aug. 22
Residence Hall Floor Meeting
6 – 7 p.m.
Designated locations
If you live in a University residence hall, please join your Resident Advisor (RA) for you first official floor meeting at 6 p.m. There you’ll get to know your neighbors and start the school year off right. See your RA for additional information.
Parent and Families Reception
6 – 8 p.m.
Grand Ballroom, Student Center
While students participate in the K Week Kick-off, the first social activity of K Week, parents and families are invited to meet and mingle with UK administrators, faculty and fellow UK parents. There will be activities for younger siblings and family members.
K Team Meeting: K Week Kick-off
7 p.m.
Johnson Center Fields
Students, this is your first don’t-miss event! Tonight you will meet your K Team and K Crew leader. You’ll be spending a lot of time with them during K Week. This is the perfect opportunity to get to know everyone. When you arrive at Johnson Center Fields just look for a sign with your K Team number (indicated on the nametag you received in your K Week packet at check-in). Your K Crew leader will be there waiting to meet you!
Midnight Dodgeball
Johnson Center
Saturday, Aug. 23
Academic and Information Sessions
10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Student Center and other designated campus locations
New Student Induction Ceremony
3:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Memorial Coliseum
Students, family members and guests are invited to join President Eli Capilouto and other members of the University community to commemorate the start of a new school year. All new students are expected to attend this annual University celebration where they will be officially inducted into the UK family. Parents, families and guests are encouraged to attend.
K Team Meeting: K Week Overview
6:30 p.m.
Teams 1-178: Johnson Center; Teams 179-334: Seaton Center
If you do not know what K Team you are a part of, stop by the lobby of the Johnson Center to get connected.
All new students will attend a meeting to learn more about the fun activities planned during K Week. This is also a great opportunity to ask questions of returning students who are eager to show you the best way to get started at UK! After your meeting, your K Team will march to Commonwealth Stadium for Big Blue U.
Big Blue U
Following K Team Meetings
Commonwealth Stadium
Join the Big Blue Nation with a march into Commonwealth Stadium. You’ll learn UK cheers and songs, hear from UK coaches, and get your class photo taken on the football filed! Be sure to wear UK blue to show your Wildcat pride. Go Cats!
Campus Ruckus
Following Big Blue U
Blue Lot at Commonwealth Stadium
Campus Ruckus is the perfect event to kick off the school year! Come join us after Big Blue U for great activities, inflatables, music and a huge firework show to end the night. Student organizations will have games and fun information to let you know what all UK has to offer. There will be free food, drinks and tons of free T-shirts too! This event is a UK and Student Activities Board tradition. We hope to see you there!
Sunday, Aug. 24
K Team Meeting: Lunch and Campus Tour
1 – 3 p.m.
Designated locations
All new students will meet with their K Teams for lunch and a campus tour to help them find their classes. Check with your K Crew leader to find out where to meet. Plus, at the conclusion of your tour you will receive a free K Week t-shirt (while supplies last).
Academic and Information Sessions
3 - 6 p.m.
Student Center
UK Lex-Mart
3 – 5 p.m.
Botanical Gardens, walkway between Student Center and Patterson Office Tower
New to town? Don’t know where to shop? Or just want free stuff? Stop by UK Lex-Mart, our community business fair! Local stores, restaurants, and other businesses will be on hand to welcome you to Lexington. Come check out what services they have to offer, enjoy tasty treats, and stock up on coupons and giveaways.
Student Center Spectacular
8 p.m. – midnight
Student Center
A tradition to rival all others, Student Center Spectacular is the perfect way to spend your evening exploring one of the most interactive buildings on campus! This event is packed full of activities and fun from Comedy Caravan in the Cats Den, interactive art in the Rasdall Gallery, and an explosion of action down in the Center for Student Involvement. We showcase the best and brightest by providing the opportunity to learn about the great student organizations that are housed within the Student Center. To end the night, the Student Activities Board will feature an artist of magic and illusion at 11 p.m., and Late Night Film Series will be showing their first movie of the school year at midnight! Don’t miss out! Sponsored
Monday, Aug. 25
9:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Johnson Center Fields
Be a part of one of the largest community service events in the state! Members of the University community will work in small groups to complete service projects in Fayette County. UK FUSION is a wonderful opportunity to meet new friends, make a difference in the community and reaffirm UK’s commitment to service. Registration materials are available at uky.volunteermatch.org.
Online registration is highly encouraged as those who are registered before the event will have first choice in selecting a community service project. Please check out the website for more information. Students must arrive by 9:30 a.m. Students who have not pre-registered will have an opportunity to do so at this time but are not guaranteed their project of choice. A sack lunch will be provided. All participants must utilize bus transportation for projects taking place off campus. Buses will not return until early afternoon.
Academic and Information Sessions
3 p.m.
Student Center
K Team Meeting: Dinner with your K Team
5 – 7 p.m.
Designated locations
All new students will meet with their K Teams for dinner.
Meijer Mania
9 p.m. – midnight
Buses will run continuously during the event and will pick up and drop off students at Wildcat Alumni plaza on Euclid Ave. across from Memorial Coliseum AND at the corner of University Drive and Huguelet Drive
Don’t miss this fun opportunity to catch a bus with other UK students and enjoy a late-night shopping excursion to the Meijer store on Regency Road. Stock up on laundry detergent, items for your residence hall room, soft drinks, snacks, and anything else you might need to be at home on campus. You’ll be able to buy all this and more while enjoying discounted shopping, free food, cool activities and prizes!
Tuesday, Aug. 26
Academic and Information Sessions
9 a.m.
Student Center and various locations across campus
College Meetings
Various times
Designated locations
Times vary for each college. Meetings are approximately 2 hours. All new students are expected to attend.
K Team Meeting: Common Reading Experience Discussion
3:45 – 4:45 p.m.
Designated locations
All freshmen are expected to meet with their K Team for a small-group discussion session and to turn in their QLC assignment. These sessions will not only allow new students to participate in the campuswide Common Reading Experience but will also allow them to get last-minute questions answered by their K Crew leader. Participants will receive a free T-shirt from their K Crew leader at We Are UK for having their QLC assignment (while supplies last). Come even if you haven’t read the book. You can still talk and share your perspectives.
We Are UK
5 – 8 p.m.
Memorial Hall Amphitheater
We Are UK is an exciting event that celebrates the uniqueness of the UK community. This festival includes a variety of free food from Kentucky and from around the world. You’ll also see live performances ranging from hip-hop to country, poetry to debate, and other random talents from UK students, faculty, and staff.
Wednesday, Aug. 27
First day of classes!
Welcome Back Festival
5 p.m.
King Alumni House and Stuckert Career Center
Thursday, Aug. 28
Student Involvement Fair
11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Outside White Hall Classroom Building
Want to get the most out of your college experience? Then get started by attending the Student Involvement Fair. This event will introduce you to many of UK’s student organizations and help you get connected with fellow Wildcats. Getting involved is the best way to meet people, enhance your skills for the future, and take full advantage of the opportunities in student life. This event will also have free ice cream and cold drinks!
Friday, Aug. 29
Sea of Blue
All Day
Show everyone what kind of Wildcat you really are! Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to wear UK blue to show our Wildcat pride! “GO CATS!”
Residence Hall Floor Meetings
8 – 9 p.m.
Your residence hall
If you live in a University residence hall, please join your Resident Advisor (RA) for an official floor meeting at 8 p.m. Get to know your neighbors and start the school year off right. See your RA for additional information.
One Last Beach Blast: Resident Student Association Block Party
9 – 11:45 p.m.
South Campus Courtyard between the towers
Wondering what fun things await you at college? Now that you survived the first week of classes, it’s time to take a break and make some new friends on the block! Grab your neighbors and check out free food and great music at the South Campus Courtyard!
Saturday, Aug. 30
The Tailgate "Kick-off"
9:30 a.m.
Johnson Center Fields
There is no better way to kick off the football season than with a tailgate with all of your new friends! You don’t want to miss the chance to grab free food, tons of UK gear, play a game of corn hole and hear live music from a local Lexington band. It’s the perfect way to start your game day.
UK vs. UT-Martin
Commonwealth Stadium