VIDEO: How Sue Roberts Views UK's Role in the World
Video produced by UK Public Relations and Marketing. To view captions for this video, push play and click on the CC icon in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. If using a mobile device, click on the "thought bubble" in the same area.
LEXINGTON, Ky. (July 5, 2017) — Sue Roberts, the University of Kentucky’s associate provost for internationalization, is aware each day how much smaller the world seems than the day before.
A professor of geography in the UK College of Arts and Sciences, Roberts is a global thinker. She has dedicated herself to helping students, faculty and staff make international connections that will improve their scholastic standing and enhance their cognizance of the world. Roberts is especially devoted to sending American students overseas and welcoming international students to Kentucky.
Watch the video above to see the world through Sue Roberts’ eyes, mind and heart.
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