All-clear Given After Gas Leak Repaired on UK Campus
LEXINGTON, Ky. (July 28, 2014) — Update 2:15 p.m. -- the gas leak on UK's campus has been capped and the evacuation of nearby buildings including the Rose Street parking Structure has been lifted. The all-clear has been given by Columbia Gas and the Lexington Fire Department.
Around noon today a gas line was ruptured during construction in the Hilltop Drive area of the University of Kentucky campus, and the area was evaucated for around two hours. The campus community was asked to avoid the Hilltop near Rose Street and University Drive area.
No one was injured. The Lexington Fire Department and Columbia Gas Company responded to the scene and UK Police assisted with keeping the area clear.
The following buildings were evacuated.Central Hall 1 & 2; W.T. Young Library; Mines and Minerals Building; Wenner Gren; Rose Street Parking Garage (Parking Structure # 2); Donovan and Haggin Hall areas. No one was able to move their car from the Rose Street Garage until the evacuation was lifted.
Due to the gas leak, UK's bus service was temporarily affected. It is now back on its regular schedule. For real-time bus locations, visit .