Donate During the 2020 SEC Blood Drive Challenge

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Dec. 3, 2020) — In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for blood has increased and the need will become even more urgent during the holidays. The Southeastern Conference is a force not only on the football field, but a force for giving back.
Now schools are joining together for the 2020 SEC Blood Drive Challenge. The winner will be announced Dec. 19, the day of the SEC Championship Football championship. The school with the most alumni and fans to donate blood will be awarded a trophy and bragging rights for the year.
“We hope our alumni and friends will turn out to donate and show everyone what Wildcats are made of and make a difference in our community,” says Associate Vice President for Alumni Engagement and Executive Director of UK Alumni Association Jill Smith.
Donors should schedule an appointment at their local blood drive location to take part in this challenge from now until Dec. 19. Locations within participating SEC schools can be found at
Those outside the local area can find locations across the United States on the same site through Vitalant. The Kentucky location is at the Kentucky Blood Center with multiple donation centers all over the state. Those without a location near them should schedule an appointment at their nearest blood center location.
To help with tracking the challenge, everyone who donates needs to fill out a form with the date they donated and the location. The form can be found at
For information contact Kathryn Schaffer at 859-257-7172 or
The UK Alumni Association is committed to fostering lifelong engagement among alumni, friends, the association and the university. For more information about the UK Alumni Association, visit or call 800-269-2586.