Emergency Notification System To Be Tested

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Sept. 20, 2010) - A full test of UK Alert, UK’s emergency notification system, is scheduled for 12:15 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 21. A test message will be sent via the system to all users and their registered devices.
Beginning this semester, all UK students, faculty, and staff are automatically registered in UK Alert with their official uky.edu e-mail addresses. They continue to have the option to add additional contact information (cell phone, alternate e-mail, work phone, etc.) to their accounts.
UK Emergency Management Director Christy Giles says this test is a good time for individuals to check their UK Alert accounts and make sure their information is updated.
To access their account, students and employees must log in to the myUK portal (https://myuk.uky.edu/irj/portal) and select the “UK Alert” tab found under either the “Employee Self-Services” or “Student Services” tab.
For more information, including frequently asked questions, visit www.uky.edu/ukalert.