Campus News

Firefighter Training Planned at Boyd Hall This Week

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Jan. 14, 2014) — The decommissioned Boyd Hall residence hall on the University of Kentucky campus will become a training ground for firefighters Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 15 and 16.  UK is allowing the Lexington Fire Department to use the vacant building for training purposes prior to the building’s demolition.

Fire trucks will be on site during the training that takes place 9 a.m.-5 p.m. both days. Fire trucks will be located in the parking lot behind Patterson and Blazer halls.  Additional fire trucks could be positioned along Euclid Avenue and elsewhere. 

“We don’t want the campus community to be alarmed by the number of fire trucks expected in the Boyd Hall vicinity,” said Assistant UK Fire Marshal Jason Ellis.  “The training will be confined to that area.”