Campus News

Gatton Offers 5-week Project Management Certificate Program

Gatton College
UK's Gatton College of Business and Economics

LEXINGTON, Ky. (April 12, 2019)  Are you one of the following?

  • A beginning project manager who needs to understand basic project management terminology and processes?
  • An experienced manager who’d like to refresh your skills?
  • An “accidental” project manager who finds yourself managing projects in your current job?
  • An aspiring project manager who wants to investigate a career in the field?

The University of Kentucky’s Gatton College of Business and Economics is offering individuals the opportunity to learn proven strategies and practical, hands-on tools to drive successful project outcomes — on time and within budget.

The five-week Project Management Certificate Program takes place on consecutive Thursdays from 6 to 9 p.m. beginning May 9 and concluding June 6 at the Gatton College Building.

“Participants will gain a solid understanding of the fundamental building blocks of project management, and an introduction to best practices that can be used in all endeavors by people across all industries and organizations,” said Lorna Patches, director of the Don and Cathy Jacobs Executive Education Center in the Gatton College and UK director of the UK-UofL Executive MBA program. “Experienced project management strategic planning leaders from The Solarity Group will teach you the concepts, terms, tools and techniques needed to communicate about, organize, monitor and successfully complete projects.”

Additionally, participants’ own projects will be utilized for the “hands-on” exercises during the class to reinforce learning in a fun, interactive environment. Projects selected for small-group exercises will receive a kick-start to the creation of key real-world deliverables, as well as tools to plan and manage them effectively.

This program serves as the foundation on which all other project management development builds. It will provide 15 hours of educational credit from the Project Management Institute (PMI)® for those seeking their Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification or 15 professional development units (PDUs) for those already certified.

Registration is $1,500 for the full program, and includes five weeks of instruction, the course binder, “Just Enough Project Management” book, and light refreshments.

Find out more and register today: