New Award Opportunity for Innovative Employers

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Nov. 1, 2011) — The University of Kentucky Institute for Workplace Innovation (iwin) is accepting nominations for the first-ever Dr. Lee T. Todd Jr. Bridging the Gap Between Workplace Research and Practice Award.
The award recognizes the former UK president's vision in creating an institute committed to Kentucky's economic and workforce challenges. Award recipients will receive a one‐year membership to iwin’s Innovative Employer Roundtable, which includes the benefit of participating in partner-exclusive events and learning opportunities.
Applicants may be nominated by a current Innovative Employer Roundtable Partner or they may self‐nominate. Applications must be received by Feb. 1, 2012.
The Innovative Employer Roundtable Steering Committee will select the employer scholarship recipient. The first scholarship will be effective May 2012 and last for one year, which will include attendance at the May and October Roundtable meetings. Subsequent scholarships will be offered each year in May.
To be eligible, applicants cannot have been a previous Roundtable Partner; they must have employees based in Kentucky; they may be for profit or nonprofit, of any size, and may represent any industry. Recipients of other workforce related awards/recognitions will be considered.
For more information, please contact: Lee Ann Walton at or (859) 323-0582