Campus News

Thanksgiving Break Transportation and Parking Changes

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Nov. 20, 2017) Beginning Tuesday, Nov. 21, Transportation Services will implement several changes due to the decreased demand over the Thanksgiving holiday, including special relocation instructions as a result of the home football game during Thanksgiving weekend.

On Wednesday, Nov. 22, the Blue and White Routes (Lextran 14) and the Green Route Connector (Lextran 26) will only operate from 6:45 a.m. to 6 p.m. The Orange Route (UK HealthCare) and Pink Route (Kentucky Clinic Shuttle) will operate on a normal schedule. 

No campus buses will run Thursday, Nov. 23, through Saturday, Nov. 25; this includes the Kentucky Wildcab service. UK HealthCare employees working on these days are authorized to park in the patient visitor parking facilities in accordance with UKHC Policy #A10-055.

On Sunday, Nov. 26, the On-Demand Night Bus will operate during its normal service hours of 7 p.m. to midnight. Call 859-221-7433 to schedule a ride.

All other campus bus service will resume a normal schedule on Monday, Nov. 27. For route and schedule details, visit

As a reminder, all campus routes — as well as off-campus Lextran routes — are viewable in real time on TransLoc Rider, UK’s GPS-based bus locating system. TransLoc Rider can be accessed at and via the free TransLoc Rider Android and iPhone apps. 

Football Relocation Reminder

Due to the home football game on Saturday, Nov. 25, students and employees who normally park in the areas surrounding Kroger Field and in the Sports Center Garage must move their vehicles before leaving for the Thanksgiving break. Impacted permit holders may relocate to nongated intermediate Employee (E) areas found in the map on the Football Game Day Parking page starting at noon Tuesday, Nov. 21. Parking is prohibited on University Drive at any time on game days. Students leaving campus prior to noon Tuesday who park in the K areas may email to make special parking arrangements.

All nongated intermediate Employee (E) lots and Residential (R) lots, with the exception of R17 (Wildcat Coal Lodge), will not be controlled for parking permits from 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 22, through Sunday, Nov. 26. However, normal football game day parking restrictions will remain in place on Saturday, Nov. 25.