UK Associate Provost Comments on Issue Affecting Confucius Institutes

LEXINGTON, Ky. (May 25, 2012) ― An opinion piece by University of Kentucky Associate Provost for International Programs Susan Carvalho about issues surrounding Confucius Institutes is on today's Chronicle of Higher Education’s website.
The piece is in response to a recent U.S. State Department memorandum that, according to a Chronicle article, states that any Chinese academics at university-based Confucius Institutes who are teaching at the elementary- and secondary-school levels are violating the terms of their visas and must leave at the end of this academic year. The article said the State Department also said it determined that the institutes must obtain American accreditation in order to continue to accept foreign scholars and professors as teachers who can teach at the K-12 level.
The Confucius Institute at the University of Kentucky is under the auspices of UK's Office of International Affairs overseen by Carvalho.
To view her opinion piece, visit