UK Board Approves 2010-11 Tuition, Room and Board Rates

LEXINGTON, Ky. (April 27, 2010) – The University of Kentucky Board of Trustees today approved a 6 percent increase in tuition and mandatory fees for undergraduate and graduate students for the 2010-11 academic year. This action complies with the tuition and fee parameters set by the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE) April 23. The UK tuition and schedule fee will be submitted to the CPE for approval at its May 21 meeting.
Tuition and mandatory fees for undergraduate Kentucky resident students will be $4,305.00 per semester for lower division students (freshmen and sophomores), an increase of $243.50 and $4,429.50 for upper division students (juniors and seniors), an increase of $250.50. Non-resident tuition will be $8,839.00 for lower division and $8,957.00 for upper division students per semester.
Although no specific guidelines for tuition and mandatory fees were set by the CPE for graduate and first professional programs, UK is holding its tuition and mandatory fees increase for graduate students to 6 percent as well. In-state graduate students will pay $4,653.00 per semester, an increase of $264. Non-resident graduate students will pay $9,587.00 per semester, an increase of $542.50.
“Settling on this tuition rate was difficult,” said UK President Lee T. Todd Jr. “When you factor in our increasing fixed costs and the anticipation of another state budget cut, this tuition increase will not fill our budget shortfall. Having said that, it would be unfair to place the entire budget shortfall on the backs of our students and their families. As Kentucky’s flagship, land-grant university, we must make sure a UK education remains affordable and accessible to students from all 120 Kentucky counties.”
The Board of Trustees also approved new room and board rates. The housing rates reflect an average increase of 4 percent and dining rates reflect a 3 percent increase for 2010-11.