UK Journalism School Establishes David Dick Fund

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Sept. 13, 2010) − The University of Kentucky School of Journalism and Telecommunications is establishing a memorial fund honoring David Dick, former director of the school and long-time broadcast news reporter who passed away in July. The fund, called the David Dick "What a Great Story" Storytelling Fund, will recognize one UK student journalist and one Kentucky professional journalist each year for outstanding journalistic storytelling.
Dick was a gifted storyteller, a passion he honed through bachelor's and master's degrees in English from UK. He reported for WHAS radio and television and CBS News, taught writing in UK's journalism program and authored books chronicling his broadcast career, his fight with prostate cancer, and particularly his life in and love affair with Kentucky. “I never considered myself to be an investigative reporter," he said in an interview last year. "I was there to write and tell stories.”
Beth Barnes, the school's director, said Dick's love of storytelling is why the award will focus on this aspect of journalism.
“Effective storytelling is the heart of great journalism," Barnes said. "With the increasing pressures on journalists to meet the 24/7 news cycle and to produce content across media platforms, it’s all too easy for the story to get lost in the details. Skill in storytelling needs to be championed and celebrated. David Dick was a marvelous storyteller, which is why we chose this focus to honor him.”
Dick and his wife, Lalie, formed Plum Lick Publishing in 1992. Together they wrote "Home Sweet Kentucky," "Rivers of Kentucky" and "Kentucky – A State of Mind." Dick’s books also include "Peace at the Center," "The Quiet Kentuckians," "The View From Plum Lick," "The Scourges of Heaven," "A Conversation With Peter P. Pence," "Jesse Stuart: The Heritage," "Follow the Storm: A Long Way Home," "A Journal for Lalie," "Let There Be Light" and "Outhouse Blues." David also wrote a monthly column for Kentucky Living magazine for more than 20 years. Dick directed the UK School of Journalism and Telecommunications from 1987 to 1993 and was a member of the faculty from 1985 to 1996. He was a full professor when he left the school.
“David was one of a long and continuing line of working journalists who chose to work for the future of the profession by helping to train the next generation of reporters and editors at the University of Kentucky," said Barnes. "Kentucky has an outstanding journalism tradition, and David’s work, in broadcast journalism in the state and on the national and international stages, as an educator and as an author, is an important part of that tradition. We’re very proud of David’s association with our program at UK, and we wanted to find a way to remember and celebrate him and the outstanding example he provided - and will continue to provide through his work - to our students.”
Donations to the fund will be used to create an endowment, and proceeds from the endowment will provide prize money to the award winners. A selection committee, including UK journalism faculty members and at least one working journalist, will judge entries each year. Entries can be from any journalistic medium and on any subject, but must be works of edited journalism that demonstrate outstanding storytelling.
"David would be immensely pleased that the University of Kentucky School of Journalism and Telecommunications would honor him in this way," said Lalie Dick. "David was a humble man who relished listening to those he called the ‘quiet Kentuckians’ and telling their stories simply. Rather than employ 100 words, he could write 10 and still convey the essence of the individual or situation. The telling of the simple essence of life – that is what he’d hope for from the individuals who are recipients of this award. "
To make a donation to the fund by credit card, go to Click on the drop-down box for gift designation and select the “David Dick Storytelling Fund.”