UK Students Send Books Abroad

LEXINGTON, KY. (March 2, 2016) — University of Kentucky Education Abroad (UK EA) and International Studies Abroad (ISA) hosted the first “Night of Service” recently at the International Book Project. Students were offered the opportunity to participate in a local service project while learning about international service learning.
“UK Education Abroad is hosting 'Nights of Service' in an effort to involve students in Lexington-based community projects,” said Susan Meredith, UK EA adviser. “We hope that by serving locally, students are inspired to serve internationally as well.”
This semester’s "Night of Service" took place at the International Book Project, a nonprofit organization that promotes literacy, education and global friendships by sending over 200,000 books annually to developing nations and impoverished areas in the United States. Boxes from this particular day of service were sent to Papua, New Guinea, and Kosovo.
For more, visit
“Working with an organization like the International Book Project inspired me to continue giving back to my community, both locally and internationally,” said freshman psychology and Spanish double major, Sarah Smoak. “It kindled the spark for service learning in me, and has made me want to seek out more opportunities to serve people.”
UK Education Abroad offers international service learning programs through ISA. Students can spend a summer in India, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic among other places participating in service projects with nonprofit organizations, municipal offices, schools or clinics. There is also a semester-length option in Cuzco, Peru.
For more information about international service learning, visit the digital catalog or contact Susan McVey Meredith, UK EA adviser, at or call 859-313-2143.
Education Abroad is a unit of the UK International Center. Its primary responsibility is to facilitate high quality, academically sound and experientially rich study abroad, research abroad and intern abroad programs for UK students. More information about the International Center can be found at
Connect with Education Abroad on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, the blog enKompass, Youtube and Snapchat (@ukyabroad). Visit 315 Bradley Hall to talk with an Education Abroad Peer Ambassador, email, call 859-257-4067 or go online to for more information.
UK is the University for Kentucky. At UK, we are educating more students, treating more patients with complex illnesses and conducting more research and service than at any time in our 150-year history. To read more about the UK story and how you can support continued investment in your university and the Commonwealth, go to: #uky4ky #seeblue
MEDIA CONTACT: Gail Hairston, 859-257-3302,