UK Women & Philanthropy Calls for Funding Proposals

LEXINGTON, Ky. (April 27, 2015) — The University of Kentucky Women & Philanthropy Network is calling for submission of proposals for potential funding in 2016.
The UK Women & Philanthropy Network (W & P) is an organization of alumni and friends who have pooled their love for UK, along with their time, talents and resources to help fund important programs and projects at UK. Founded in 2007 with a vision to build a better UK and Commonwealth, W & P continues to grow in size and strength, dedicating the funding provided by members to assist in the life and growth of UK.
W & P has funded a wide array of projects since its inception, awarding more than $1 million to scholarship recipients, colleges and programs. Recipients of funding in 2014 were programs in the Robinson Scholars Program, Honors Program, College of Health Sciences, College of Education, College of Communication and Information and College of Arts and Sciences.
Department proposal submissions should focus on areas of scholarships, research and programs. Departments and programs that have priorities in these areas should contact their dean or vice president to secure a proposal application form.
Proposals should be submitted to Paula L. Pope at the UK Office of Development, 129 Sturgill Development Building, 0015 or via email to no later than 5 p.m. Monday, June 15, 2015. Selected proposals will be presented Nov. 6, 2015, to the W & P Network who will vote for the proposals deemed most impactful. Recommendation for funding will be determined according to the number of votes received for each proposal and awards will be made in early 2016.
For more information contact Paula Pope at 859-257-3187.